Publications based on observation at Calar Alto

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The bibliographic data of any publications based on observations at Calar Alto are to be communicated to CAHA as described on our web page:

Publications must contain a footnote as follows: 

Based on observations collected at Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Junta de Andalucía

Publications based on data collected before January 1st 2019 must contain a footnote as follows: 

Data here reported were acquired at Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPG). Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía is now operated by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía and Junta de Andalucía.

Search by author/co-author, year of publication or part of the publication title:
1st Author Publication Title Year
Falter, S. Simultaneous time-series spectroscopy and multi-band photometry of the sdBV PG 1605+072 2003

Simultaneous time-series spectroscopy and multi-band photometry of the sdBV PG 1605+072

Falter, S.; Heber, U.; Dreizler, S.; Schuh, S. L.; Cordes, O.; Edelmann, H.

A&A 401,289

Cortese, L. Optical spectroscopy and the UV luminosity function of galaxies in the Abell 1367, Coma and 2003

Optical spectroscopy and the UV luminosity function of galaxies in the Abell 1367, Coma and Virgo clusters

Cortese, L.; Gavazzi, G.; Iglesias-Paramo, J.; Boselli, A.; Carrasco, L.

A&A 401,471

Christensen, L. Integral field spectroscopy of SN 2002er with PMAS 2003

Integral field spectroscopy of SN 2002er with PMAS

Christensen, L.; Becker, T.; Jahnke, K.; Kelz, A.; Roth, M. M.; Sa'nchez, S. F.; Wisotzki, L.

A&A 401,479

Beckmann, V. The HRX-BL Lac sample - Evolution of BL Lac objects 2003

The HRX-BL Lac sample - Evolution of BL Lac objects

Beckmann, V.; Engels, D.; Bade, N.; Wucknitz, O.

A&A 401,927

Krause, O. A gas and dust rich giant elliptical galaxy in the ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey 2003

A gas and dust rich giant elliptical galaxy in the ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey

Krause, O.; Lisenfeld, U.; Lemke, D.; Haas, M.; Klaas, U.; Stickel, M.

A&A 402,L1

Hippelein, H. Star forming rates between z = 0.25 and z = 1.2 from the CADIS emission line survey 2003

Star forming rates between z = 0.25 and z = 1.2 from the CADIS emission line survey

Hippelein, H.; Maier, C.; Meisenheimer, K.; Wolf, C.; Fried, J. W.; von Kuhlmann, B.; K&uum;mmel, M.; Phleps, S.; Röser, H.-J.

A&A 402,65

Maier, C. Constraints to the evolution of Ly-alpha bright galaxies between z = 3 and z = 6 2003

Constraints to the evolution of Ly-alpha bright galaxies between z = 3 and z = 6

Maier, C.; Meisenheimer, K.; Thommes, E.; Hippelein, H.; Röser, H. J.; Fried, J.; von Kuhlmann, B.; Phleps, S.; Wolf, C.

A&A 402,79

Schwope, A. D. Cyclotron spectroscopy of HU Aquarii 2003

Cyclotron spectroscopy of HU Aquarii

Schwope, A. D.; Thomas, H.-C.; Mante, K.-H.; Haefner, R.; Staude, A.

A&A 402,201

Butler, D. J. Measuring the absolute height and profile of the mesospheric sodium layer using a continuous 2003

Measuring the absolute height and profile of the mesospheric sodium layer using a continuous wave laser

Butler, D. J.; Davies, R. I.; Redfern, R. M.; Ageorges, N.; Fews, H.

A&A 403,775

Moehler, S. Hot HB stars in globular clusters - Physical parameters and consequences for theory. VI. The 2003

Hot HB stars in globular clusters - Physical parameters and consequences for theory. VI. The second parameter pair M 3 and M 13

Moehler, S.; Landsman, W. B.; Sweigart, A. V.; Grundahl, F.

A&A 405,135

Chyz.y, K. T. Magnetic fields and ionized gas in the local group irregular galaxies IC 10 and NGC 6822 2003

Magnetic fields and ionized gas in the local group irregular galaxies IC 10 and NGC 6822

Chyz.y, K. T.; Knapik, J.; Bomans, D. J.; Klein, U.; Beck, R.; Soida, M.; Urbanik, M

A&A 405,513

Butler, D. J. The RR Lyrae star period - K-band luminosity relation of the globular cluster M 3 2003

The RR Lyrae star period - K-band luminosity relation of the globular cluster M 3

Butler, D. J.;

A&A 405,981

Araujo-Betancor, S. 1RXS J062518.2+733433: A new intermediate polar 2003

1RXS J062518.2+733433: A new intermediate polar

Araujo-Betancor, S.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hagen, H.-J.; Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Engels, D.

A&A 406,213

Woitas, J. Visual orbit for the low-mass binary Gliese 22 AC from speckle interferometry 2003

Visual orbit for the low-mass binary Gliese 22 AC from speckle interferometry

Woitas, J.; Tamazian, V. S.; Docobo, J. A.; Leinert, Ch.

A&A 406,293

Sanchez, S. F. The near-infrared properties of the host galaxies of radio quasars 2003

The near-infrared properties of the host galaxies of radio quasars

Sanchez, S. F.; Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.

A&A 406,435

Rossa, J. An H± survey aiming at the detection of extraplanar diffuse ionized gas in halos of edge 2003

An Hα survey aiming at the detection of extraplanar diffuse ionized gas in halos of edge-on spiral galaxies. II. The Hα survey atlas and catalog.

Rossa, J.; Dettmar, R.-J.

A&A 406,505

Woitas, J. A fourth component in the young multiple system V 773 Tauri 2003

A fourth component in the young multiple system V 773 Tauri

Woitas, J.;

A&A 406,685

Guseva, N. G. Spectroscopic and photometric studies of low-metallicity star-forming dwarf galaxies. III. SB 2003

Spectroscopic and photometric studies of low-metallicity star-forming dwarf galaxies. III. SBS 1415+437

Guseva, N. G.; Papaderos, P.; Izotov, Y. I.; Green, R. F.; Fricke, K. J.; Thuan, T. X.; Noeske, K. G.

A&A 407,105

Hippelein, H. The spiral galaxy M 33 mapped in the FIR by ISOPHOT. A spatially resolved study of the warm an 2003

The spiral galaxy M 33 mapped in the FIR by ISOPHOT. A spatially resolved study of the warm and cold dust

Hippelein, H.; Haas, M.; Tuffs, R. J.; Lemke, D.; Stickel, M.; Klaas, U.; Völk, H. J.

A&A 407,137

Froebrich, D. Young stars and outflows in the globule IC 1396 W 2003

Young stars and outflows in the globule IC 1396 W

Froebrich, D.; Scholz, A.

A&A 407,207