Publications based on observation at Calar Alto

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The bibliographic data of any publications based on observations at Calar Alto are to be communicated to CAHA as described on our web page:

Publications must contain a footnote as follows: 

Based on observations collected at Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Junta de Andalucía

Publications based on data collected before January 1st 2019 must contain a footnote as follows: 

Data here reported were acquired at Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPG). Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía is now operated by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía and Junta de Andalucía.

Search by author/co-author, year of publication or part of the publication title:
1st Author Publication Title Year
J.L. Ortiz Short-term rotational variability in the large TNO 2005FY 2007

Short-term rotational variability in the large TNO 2005FY

 J.L. Ortiz, P. Santos Sanz, P.J. Gutiérrez, R. Duffard, F.J. Aceituno
A&A 468,L13

M. Bonavita The frequency of planets in multiple systems 2007

The frequency of planets in multiple systems

 M. Bonavita, S. Desidera
A&A 468,721

L. Christensen An integral field spectroscopic survey for high redshift damped Lyman-alpha galaxies 2007

An integral field spectroscopic survey for high redshift damped
Lyman-alpha galaxies

 L. Christensen, L. Wisotzki, M.M. Roth, S.F. Sánchez, A. Kelz, K. Jahnke
A&A 468,587

C.B. Pereira Identification of PN G232.0+05.7 as a new halo planetary nebula and of IRAS 19336-0400 as a new ty 2007

Identification of PN G232.0+05.7 as a new halo planetary nebula and of
IRAS 19336-0400 as a new type III planetary nebula

 C.B. Pereira, L.F. Miranda
A&A 467,1249

F. Comerón A very massive runaway star from Cygnus OB2 2007

A very massive runaway star from Cygnus OB2

 F. Comerón, A. Pasquali
A&A 467.L23


M. Stickel The ISOPHOT 170 micron Serendipity SurveyIV. The far-infrared sky atlas 2007

The ISOPHOT 170 micron Serendipity SurveyIV. The far-infrared sky atlas

 M. Stickel, O. Krause, U. Klaas, D. Lemke
A&A 466,1210


M. Galfalk Herbig-Haro flows in L1641N 2007

Herbig-Haro flows in L1641N

 M. Galfalk, G. Olofsson
A&A 466,579

J. Southworth SDSS J233325.92+152222.1 and the evolution of intermediate polars 2007

SDSS J233325.92+152222.1 and the evolution of intermediate polars

J. Southworth, B. Gaensicke, T.R. Marsh, D. de Martino, A. Aungwerojwit
MNRAS 378,635

M. Pohlen On the three-dimensional structure of edge-on disc galaxies 2007

On the three-dimensional structure of edge-on disc galaxies

 M. Pohlen, S. Zaroubi, R.F. Peletier, R.J. Dettmar
MNRAS 378,594

K.P. Lane Galaxy morphologies and environment in the Abell 901/902 supercluster from COMBO-17 2007

Galaxy morphologies and environment in the Abell 901/902 supercluster from COMBO-17

 K. P. Lane, M.E. Gray, A. Aragón-Salamanca, C. Wolf, K. Meisenheimer
MNRAS 378,716

M. Villar-Martín VIMOS-VLT spectroscopy of the giant Ly$-1§± nebulae associated with three z ~ 2.5 radio galaxies 2007

VIMOS-VLT spectroscopy of the giant Ly$-1§± nebulae associated with three
z ~ 2.5 radio galaxies

 M. Villar-Martín1, S.F. Sánchez, A. Humphrey, M. Dijkstra, S. di Serego
Alighieri, C. De Breuck, R. González Delgado
MNRAS 378,416

A. Pastorello ESC and KAIT observations of the transitional Type Ia SN 2004eo 2007

ESC and KAIT observations of the transitional Type Ia SN 2004eo

 A. Pastorello, and 33 coautors

 MNRAS  doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.11700.x


P. Rodriguez-Gil SW Sextantis stars: the dominant population of cataclysmic variables with orbital periods between 2007

SW Sextantis stars: the dominant population of cataclysmic variables with
orbital periods between 3 and 4 h



Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hagen, H.-J.; Araujo-Betancor, S.; Aungwerojwit, A.; Allende Prieto, C.; Boyd, D.; Casares, J.; Engels, D.; Giannakis, O.; Harlaftis, E. T.; Kube, J.; Lehto, H.; Martínez-Pais, I. G.; Schwarz, R.; Skidmore, W.; Staude, A.; Torres, M. A. P.

MNRAS 377,1747

F. Walter Dust and Atomic Gas in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies of the M81 Group: The SINGS and THINGS View 2007

Dust and Atomic Gas in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies of the M81 Group:

 F. Walter and 24 coauthors
ApJ 661,102

T. von Hippel Discovery of Photospheric Calcium Line-Strength Variations in the DAZd White Dwarf G29-38 2007

Discovery of Photospheric Calcium Line-Strength Variations in the
DAZd White Dwarf G29-38

 T. von Hippel, S.E. Thompson
ApJ 661,477

I. Martinez-Delgado Three-Dimensional Spectroscopy of Blue Compact Galaxies: Diagnostic Diagrams 2007

Three-Dimensional Spectroscopy of Blue Compact Galaxies: Diagnostic

 I. Martinez-Delgado, G. Tenorio-Tagle, C. Muñoz-Tuñon, A.V. Moiseev, L.M. Cairos

AJ 133,2892

T. Eisenbeiss Low-mass visual binaries in the solar neighbourhood: The case of HD141272 2007

Low-mass visual binaries in the solar neighbourhood: The case of HD141272

 T. Eisenbeiss, A. Seifahrt, M. Mugrauer, T.O.B. Schmidt, R. Neuhauser,
T. Roell

 AN 328,521


A. Aungwerojwit HS 1857+5144: a hot and young pre-cataclysmic variable 2007

HS 1857+5144: a hot and young pre-cataclysmic variable

 A. Aungwerojwit, B.T. Gaensicke, P. Rodríguez-Gil, H.J. Hagen, O. Giannakis,
C. Papadimitriou, C. Allende Prieto, D. Engels.
A&A 469,297

P. Noterdaeme Physical conditions in the neutral interstellar medium at z = 2.43 towardQ 2348-011 2007

Physical conditions in the neutral interstellar medium at z = 2.43 toward
Q 2348-011

 P. Noterdaeme, P. Petitjean, R. Srianand, C. Ledoux, F. Le Petit
A&A 469,425


V. Stanishev SN 2003du: 480 days in the life of a normal type Ia supernova 2007

SN 2003du: 480 days in the life of a normal type Ia supernova

V. Stanishev, A. Goobar, S. Benetti, and 29 coauthors

A&A 469,645