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Variability and stability in blazar jets on time-scales of years: optical polarization monitoring of OJ 287 in 2005-2009
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Variability and stability in blazar jets on time-scales of years: optical polarization monitoring of OJ 287 in 2005-2009 Villforth C.; Nilsson K.; Heidt J.; Takalo L.O.; Pursimo T.; Berdyugin A.; Lindfors E.; Pasanen M.; Winiarski M.; Drozdz M.; Ogloza W.; Kurpinska-Winiarska M.; Siwak M.; Koziel-Wierzbowska D.; Porowski C.; Kuzmicz A.; Krzesinski J.; Kundera T.; Wu J-H.; Zhou X.; Efimov Y.; Sadakane K.; Kamada M.; Ohlert J.; Hentunen V.-P.; Nissinen M.; Dietrich M.; Assef R.J.; Atlee D.W.; Bird J.; Depoy D.L.; Eastman J.; Peeples M.S.; Prieto J.; Watson L.; Yee J.C.; Liakos A.; Niarchos P.; Gazeas K.; Dogru S.; Donmez A.; Marchev D.; Coggins-Hill S.A.; Mattingly A.; Keel W.C.; Haque S.; Aungwerojwit A.; Bergvall N. MNRAS 402,2087
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Stellar winds and mass loss from extreme helium stars
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Stellar winds and mass loss from extreme helium stars Jeffery C.S.; Hamann W-R. MNRAS 404,1698
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Pulsations and planets: The asteroseismology-extrasolar-planet connection
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SAOLIM, Prototype of a Low-Cost System for Adaptive Optics with Lucky Imaging. Design and Performance
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Short-term variability of a sample of 29 trans-Neptunian objects and Centaurs
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Chromospheric activity of FGK stars in the solar vicinity as an estimation of the radial velocity jitte
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Chromospheric activity of FGK stars in the solar vicinity as an estimation of the radial velocity jitter Martínez-Arnáiz R., Maldonado J., Montes D., Eiroa C., Montesinos B. A&A - 520,A79
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Mapping the properties of blue compact dwarf galaxies: integral field spectroscopy with PMAS
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Mapping the properties of blue compact dwarf galaxies: integral field spectroscopy with PMAS Caon, N.; Zurita, C.; Kehrig, C.; Roth, M.; Weilbacher, P.; Cairos L.M. A&A 520,A9
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Hysteresis of atmospheric parameters of 12 RR Lyrae stars based on multichannel simultaneous Strömgren photometry
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Hysteresis of atmospheric parameters of 12 RR Lyrae stars based on multichannel simultaneous Strömgren photometry de Boer K.S., Maintz G. A&A 520,A46
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Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. V. Star-formation rates, masses, and the importance of galaxy interactions
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Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. V. Star-formation rates, masses, and the importance of galaxy interactions Lopez-Sanchez A.R. A&A - 521,A63
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A spectroscopy study of nearby late-type stars, possible members of stellar kinematic groups
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A spectroscopy study of nearby late-type stars, possible members of stellar kinematic groups Maldonado J., Martinez-Arnaiz R.M., Eiroa C., Montes D., Montesinos B. A&A 521,A12
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Simultaneous polarization monitoring of XRF080109/SN2008D and SN2007uy: isolating geometry from dust
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Simultaneous polarization monitoring of XRF080109/SN2008D and SN2007uy: isolating geometry from dust Gorosabel, de Ugarte, Castro-Tirado et al. 2009, A&A 522,A14
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The magnetically-active, low-mass, triple system WDS 19312+3607
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The magnetically-active, low-mass, triple system WDS 19312+3607 Caballero J.A., Montes D., Klutsch A., Genebriera J., Miet F.X., Tobal T., Cairol J., Pedraz S. A&A - 520,A91
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Planck pre-launch status: the optical system
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Planck pre-launch status: the optical system Tauber J.A., Norgaard-Nielsen H.U., Ade P.A.R., Amiri Parian J., Banos T., Bersanelli M., Burigana C., Chamballu A., de Chambure D., Christensen P.R., Corre O., Cozzani A., Crill B., Crone G., D'Arcangelo O., Daddato R., Doyle D., Dubrue D., Forma G., Hills R., Huffenberger K., Jaffe A.H., Jessen N., Kletzkine P., Lamarre J.M., Leahy J.P., Longval Y., de Maagt P., Maffei B., Mandolesi N., Martí-Canales J., Martín-Polegre A., Martin P., Mendes L., Murphy J.A., Nielsen P., Noviello F., Paquay M., Peacocke T., Ponthieu N., Pontoppidan K., Ristorcelli I., Riti J.B., Rolo L., Rosset C., Sandri M., Savini G., Sudiwala R., Tristram M., Valenziano L., van der Vorst M., van 't Klooster K., Villa F., Yurchenko V. A&A - 520,A2
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PMAS optical integral field spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies. II. Spatially resolved stellar populations and excitation conditions
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PMAS optical integral field spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies. II. Spatially resolved stellar populations and excitation conditions Alonso-Herrero A., Garcia-Marin M., Rodriguez Zaurin J., Monreal A., Colina L., Arribas S. A&A - 522,A7
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Chromium: NLTE abundances in metal-poor stars and nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy
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Chromium: NLTE abundances in metal-poor stars and nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy Bergemann M., Cescutti G. A&A - 522,A9
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Another look at the BL Lacertae flux and spectral variability. Observations by GASP-WEBT, XMM-Newton, and Swift in 2008-2009
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Another look at the BL Lacertae flux and spectral variability. Observations by GASP-WEBT, XMM-Newton, and Swift in 2008-2009 Raiteri C., Villata M., Capetti A., Larionov V., Romano P. et al. A&A - 524,A43
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Metal abundances in the hottest known DO white dwarf (KPD0005+5106)
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Metal abundances in the hottest known DO white dwarf (KPD0005+5106) Wassermann D., Werner K., Rauch T., Kruk J.W.
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Near-infrared low-resolution spectroscopy of Pleiades L-type brown dwarfs
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Near-infrared low-resolution spectroscopy of Pleiades L-type brown dwarfs Bihain G., Rebolo R., Zapatero Osorio M.R., Béjar V.J.S., Caballero J.A. A&A 519,A93 Omega2000
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The O-type eclipsing binary SZ Camelopardalis revisited
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The O-type eclipsing binary SZ Camelopardalis revisited Mayer P., Drechsel H., Kubát J., Šlechta M. A&A 524,A1
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Ground-based follow-up in relation to Kepler asteroseismic investigation
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Ground-based follow-up in relation to Kepler asteroseismic investigation Uytterhoeven K., Briquet M., Bruntt H., De Cat P., Frandsen S., Gutiérrez-Soto J., Kiss L., Kurtz D.W., Marconi M., Molenda-Żakowicz J., Østensen R., Randall1 S., Southworth1 J., Szabó R. AN 331,993