portadaDuring the night of December 4th 2015, a bright fireball could be observed at 22h09m UT. The object could be seen from south Spain. This event was observed and registered at Calar Alto Observatory, and also with the fireball detection station operated at La Sagra (Granada), La Hita (Toledo) and Sevilla Observatories. 

portadaMay be not so spectacular as previous nights, but Encke comet fireball activity continues. On November 13th and 14th 2015, two fireballs could be observed from much of Spain and recorded from the Calar Alto Observatory cameras, as well as from La Sagra (Granada), La Hita (Toledo), El Arenosillo (Huelva) and Sevilla observatories.


As we said on previous article, on the nights of November 6th to 7th three fireballs could be observed from different stations. Late on November 7th, a similar object to the last one from previous article, could also be observed from Calar Alto cameras. All of these objects are detached fragments from Encke comet.

portadaThe fireball activity associated to comet Encke has been very remarkable during last nights. At 21:37 UT of last November 8th, another fireball could be observed from Calar Alto Observatory south surveillance webcam. It was also observed from other stations at La Hita, La Sagra, La Pedriza or Sevilla Observatories.